August 31, 2022 | Psalm 40 – Newness



Psalm 40 – Newness



Waiting patiently until He heard my cry

Up from the pit of destruction he drew me

Out of the miry bog and onto firm ground

A new song to sing in praise


Blessed is the man who relies on the Most High God

Proudness far away and lies resisted

The works of God overcome critique

A new story of wonders to tell


In sacrifice and offering you find no reason for rejoicing

Your pleasure is found in connection

Offerings burnt for sin no longer suffice

A new delight drawn by Your will


My lips ring out the Good News of salvation

Boldly I speak from my heart

Each day outlined with rejoicing

A new confession of love to share


May those who come raise joyful voices

May their expressions of delight sing, “Great is the Lord!”

As for me, I slumber in ready anticipation

A new day to welcome my deliverer