June 18, 2023 | Matthew 10:1-25






Bible Study – Matthew 10:1-25




Jesus gave His disciples authority over every unclean spirits and disease. From where does this authority come from? What does this teach us about Jesus?


Why do you think Jesus did this for them?


What can you learn from the phrase “sent out?” How is this an integral part of the mission of the church?


Simon is listed first and Judas is listed last in the list of disciples. Why do you think this is?


Why do you think Jesus told them to “Go nowhere among the Gentiles and enter no town of the Samaritans”? Does this mean that He felt them of less importance? 2 Kings 17:24; Luke 9:52; Acts 8:25


Instead, Jesus sends them to the lost sheep of Israel. What does this tell you about Jesus’ plans for this time? Why do you think Jesus describes them this way? Psalm 119:175-176; Isaiah 53:6; Jeremiah 50:6; Matthew 9:36


Why did Jesus want people to know that “The kingdom of heaven is at hand”? What is Jesus saying here? Matthew 4:17; Luke 10:9


Jesus then gives them a list of miracles to perform. Why did He also command them to do all this without pay? Isaiah 55:1; Acts 3:6, 20:35


What do you learn from verse 9? Should believers go out without money? Is this instruction just intended for this event or does it still apply? When should we not collect and take money and when should we prepare ahead?


Is there any contradiction between the instruction not to receive pay and the “laborer deserves his food?” What principle can we get from these two statements?


How would you explain verses 11 – 13? What makes someone worthy? What makes a house worthy?


Is shaking off the dust of our feet a Christian thing to do? Why would Jesus command this? How does this apply to our modern gospel sharing efforts?


What does Jesus mean in the statements, “Sheep in the midst of wolves,” “wise a serpents” and “innocent as doves”?


From what areas in our lives might we receive persecution?


Why are we not to be anxious when we have been delivered to our adversaries? Matthew 6:25-34


Why is the opposition that we face from within our own families so much more daunting than what we endure from the world at large (v. 21)?


Why do some people hate the Gospel message?


How does Jesus’ example prepare us to face suffering? How does our suffering conform us to Christ’s own image? Why is that good news?