July 11, 2023 | Martin Luther – Day 4



“I want to have no Master except one, who is in heaven; His name is Christ. This is the attitude He has commanded all of us to take. All other persons I intend to regard as my fellow students.”

Martin Luther



It’s not hard to see that times are indeed changing. 50 years ago, we could only imagine many of the things we take for granted today. And as we advance, our attitudes change accordingly.


Today almost infinite knowledge is available to us with the click of a few buttons on a device small enough to fit comfortably in our hand. On our television sets can be found hundreds of channels molded to almost every kind of mindset. We can go to school online, order anything to be delivered , and play games so real it’s almost like being a part of the program.


And with all this newfound “freedom,” many have come to rely less on God. Our new gods of technology and convenience have replaced the God of truth. The lessons we are learning are therefore more worldly in nature. No wonder, then, it seems the world is lost in its own mire.


Matthew 23:10 declares that “(We) have one instructor, the Christ.” That doesn’t change because answers to worldly questions are easier to come by. The same God who led Israel out of Egypt is the God who now promises us guidance and direction. The same Savior of the world who died so that we might be free still offers us freedom in the same way.


Instead of confusion, He offers us certainty. Instead of worldly chaos, He offers us His heavenly peace. Instead of anger and frustration He shows us love and patience.


God asks us through Paul in Romans 12:12 to “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. In Ephesians 4:2 He implores us to “Be completely humble and gentle: be patient, bearing with one another in love.” The world might have other advice for us, but we must continue to rely on the one true Master to guide us. Take on the qualities of Christ in your own life. This is the attitude He has commanded all of us to take.


Our Prayer: Forgive us Lord for getting lost in worldliness and discord. Help us to rely more on you in our day-to-day dealings and let us not lose faith in your power and direction. Thank you for being our Master in all things. Amen.