July 12, 2023 | Martin Luther – Day 5



“The religion of Christ did not come by chance or by fate written in the stars (as many vain folk assume). Rather it came in the manner in which it did come because of a fixed plan and a premeditated arrangement by God.

Martin Luther


It seems the more science tries to make sense of things without God, the closer they come to proving that He’s the only answer that makes sense. Here are seven scientific proofs for God.


Science has discovered ample evidence that the universe had a beginning.


Science has found the universe to be fine-tuned for life.


Scientists can’t explain the origin of life and its genetic code apart from a creator.


Science has proven that biological life runs by millions of exquisitely programmed “robotic machines.” (All living cells need machines that demonstrate nanotechnology way beyond anything that man can make).


Science has found the earliest evidence of life to be a great variety, fully formed and without transitions.


Science has shown the earth to be a very unique planet with just the right conditions to sustain life. The chance of this happening is less than 1 chance in 10282(million trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion trillion) (Reasons.org)


Science reveals the universe to be designed precisely and mathematically.


Today it takes more faith to be an atheist than to believe in a creator who created everything for a purpose. Nature shouts out to His glory. The heavens speak to His imagination and life itself shows His image. In everything God’s design is becoming obvious and within it we can see his fingerprints.


As part of His creation, you were also made for a specific reason which God will reveal to you through faith. Among His countless miracles, you too can claim your rightful place. Open your eyes to all He has done to care for you and all of His creation. Remember to thank Him for bringing life and for loving that life enough to redeem it from sin.


Our prayer – Heavenly Father, we stand in awe of all that you have made. Thank you for loving us enough to make things perfect for life and lead us to what we were created to be. Amen.