Sunday Tag

March 31, 2024 - 10:00am Sunday morning we gather to Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ with Songs, Bells, Praise Teams and Choirs!  His life gives us sure hope for the Eternal Life that waits for all who believe and trust in Him!!  After worship we...

Come join us for Holy Week events and Worship Services, following in the footsteps of Jesus from His entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, to His intimate Meal with the Disciples on Maundy Thursday, His bitter suffering and death on Good Friday, to the final triumphant victory...

Come join us for Holy Week events and Worship Services, following in the footsteps of Jesus from His entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, to His intimate Meal with the Disciples on Maundy Thursday, His bitter suffering and death on Good Friday, to the final triumphant victory...

Good Friday Worship - April 15, 2022    7:00pm Gather at the foot of the Cross as Jesus suffers and dies for the sins of the world so that we can receive forgiveness.  The perfect Son of God exchanges His righteousness for our wretchedness and takes...

Thursday, April 14, 2022    7:00pm Worship in quiet reverence and reflection as we participate in the Holy Meal that Jesus instituted with His Disciples.  Bread and Wine are the true Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, broken and poured out for...

April 17, 2022 - 8:00am & 10:30am Sunday morning we gather to Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ with Songs, Bells, Praise Teams and Choirs!  His life gives us sure hope for the Eternal Life that waits for all who believe and trust in Him!!  Between...